Posted by: Sandra Brown | April 29, 2013

Living In Denial

Living in denial keeps us in an unhealthy state of bondage. Bondage is not a good thing, agreed. Certainly, no one wants to be a servant to such a controlling force.

Are you in denial? According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of denial “is the refusal to admit the truth or reality.” Does this sound like you?

Having a psychological defense mechanism in which you deny the existence of the problem or reality and avoid confrontation with the personal problem or reality leaves us not living our lives to the fullest.

How incredibly naïve we are to think we can handle addiction problems all by ourselves. The truth is we CAN NOT!

Are you tired of living in denial? You know the old phrase…,” Are you sick and tired, of being sick and tired?” Well then, the good news is….

There are plenty of resources available to help you in your quest to become healthy. I would encourage you to check out any Behavioral Healthcare center close to your community. In addition, most places of worship have a ministry specifically for addiction and or abuse.

The first step in getting help is to talk with someone. Make sure the person you talk to is someone you trust. Admit to them you have a problem and that you need help! Do not back down from your problem. Statistics show trying to overcome addiction or abuse by ones self does not work.

Being a Christian I know the Lord Almighty is Sovereign. He can and sometimes does deliver us instantaneously from our addictions. However, most of the time I think He carries us through them and is always there to help us along the journey of recovery.

You have to make the decision…..Are you living in denial today?


  1. […] […]

  2. I hear you loud and clear and I can absolutely identify, been there done that! I would like to nominate you for the Shining Through Recovery Award

    Shining Through Recovery Award Nomination

    • Thank you so much Amy for checking out my blog and for the nomination for the Shining Through Recovery Award. I am very honored.
      I’m not exactly sure how to finish the process though. LOL. You Amy are doing a great job! Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your posts! Thank you for sharing…. Sandy

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